Saturday 27 March 2010

Bad (online) news I'm afraid

The Daily Mail's Mail Online got the most hits in February out of all the newspaper websites, while The Guardian saw its browsers fall over the same month. If you're insistent on reading tabloids' websites, why would you go for Mail Online? Let's forget its association with xenophobia and other 'phobias' for a minute. If you're going to read a tabloid, do it for the catchy headlines... Mail Online doesn't do 'em nearly as well as The Sun or The Mirror.

A day after I read the article on Mail Online's popularity, more bad news broke with Rupert Murdoch's plans to charge people to read the Times Online. I understand the reasoning behind online publications charging, but I don't want to payyyy!!!

Talking of websites, if you want a website for fab women's dresses, head to

Sunday 7 March 2010

Today's top stories

What do Gordon Brown, Cheryl Cole (Tweedy?) and Jordan all have in common? They all wake up to see their faces splashed all over the papers of course!

Whilst I imagine that Gordon detested the bullying headlines and Cheryl winces when she sees speculation about her marriage, Jordan has admitted to loving the drama!

As a journalist (ha, feels weird saying that but for now I am employed woohooo), I sometimes wonder whether I’d enjoy reading headlines about myself.

Probably if the news stories centred on how amazing I was... everyone loves their ego to be flattered.

But I reckon I’ll stick to dishing the dirt on others and relaying current affairs information to the world!

If shopping is more your thing than news journalism, be sure to check out’s amazing evening dresses.